From the editor: How to be social - the right way
Editor Emma Stapleton shares her tips for surgeons looking to make the most of social media
President's welcome: Triennial and ICOSET conference 2025 is an immense opportunity
RCSEd President Rowan Parks invites you to a major College event, reflects on a busy few months and looks forward to the festive season
Surgical Education Checklist
Poppy Redman explains how a valuable resource is helping surgeons to maximise their learning under challenging circumstances
Big interview: Karan Rangarajan
We need to talk about social media
He has 10 million followers, but how did Karan Rangarajan become one of the digital world's most trusted medical voices? Marese O'Hagan finds out

The balance between life and training
A message from the Chair of the Trainees' Committee Michael Okocha
'I turned my life as a surgeon into a novel'
Mhairi Collie, a Consultant Colorectal Surgeon in Edinburgh, tells Jennifer Leyden how she hopes her debut novel will help changes outcomes for African women
Interview: Chelliah R Selvasekar on joining RCSEd council
How joining council is a chance to work to achieve the College's vision
Wellbeing: Kayaking around the UK for mental health
Undertaking a near-impossible endurance challenge can be its own form of mindfulness, writes Michael Lambert
Heritage: Keeping up with the times: women and RCSEd Fellowship
Jaqueline Cahif follows the long and winding journey women had to take to achieve equal status in the College
Professional development
Inspiring the next generation of surgeons
A recap of the Oxford Surgical Skills Symposium, which engaged senior medical students and foundation trainees with a surgical career
SAS/LED conference: navigating a fulfilling career
Following the success of the SAS Surgeons' Educational Day, the College held an even bigger event showcasing the work of our SAS and LED Colleagues
In brief: sustainable surgical practices and the cost of cosmetic surgery tourism
The latest guidance, articles and studies
Home away from home
Jan Cutting on the RCSEd leadership's visit to the College office in Malaysia
Contrasts in Cape Town
The Frank Penman Memorial Foundation funds a travelling fellowship to drive medical improvement in South Africa
The RCSEd's new guidance portal
Introducing SupportEd, designed to help members access the latest guidance
Updates from the SAS/LED committee
Reviewing some of the valuable work done by the Specialist, Associate Specialist and Locally Employed Committee
Human factors: keeping surgeons and patients safe on ward rounds
As part of RCSEd's focus on patient safety, Marese O'Hagan speaks with Professor Paul Bowie about his work
Surgery on screen
Surgery on screen
Surgeons' News reviews some of the more memorable depictions of surgery in the media. In this edition, we critique Marvel's man of magic
Editor Emma Stapleton
Dental Editor Carole Ann Boyle
Digital marketing and brand lead Kerrie Blease
Social and content coordinator Terri Borthwick
Published by:
Wonderly, a division of Haymarket Media Group
Bridge House, 69 London Road,
Twickenham, TW1 3SP
Tel: (020) 8267 5000
On behalf of
The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh,
Nicolson Street, Edinburgh EH8 9DW
Registered Charity No. SC005317
Tel: +44 (0)131 527 1600
For editorial enquiries contact: surgeonsnews@rcsed.ac.uk
Design and production
Editor Alex Rapson-Ballinger
Senior reporter Marese O'Hagan
Art Director Aubrey Smith
Junior Designer Holly Bulbrook
Production editor Maria Ainley-Taylor
Medical sub editor Dr Arshad Makhdum
The views expressed in Surgeons’ News are not necessarily those of the editorial team or the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. Information printed in this edition of Surgeons’ News is believed to be correct at the time of going to press. The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh permits single copying of individual articles for private study or research. Multiple copying of individual articles for teaching purposes is permitted without specific permission. For copying or reproduction for any other purpose, written permission must be sought from the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. Exceptions to the above are those institutions and non-publishing organisations that have an agreement or licence with the UK Copyright Licensing Agency or the US Copyright Clearance Center. Access to the magazine is available on the College website rcsed.ac.uk.