The winds
of change
To move forward, while developing and nurturing talent, we must continue to grow, believes Roger Currie
Welcome to the last Surgeons’ News of 2023 and, perhaps for some of you, the final printed copy. It is challenging to remember all the issues we have faced in my three years as Editor. No one and no area has been immune. We have faced vast challenges in the UK in the provision of medical and dental care post pandemic. Worldwide travel has returned to pre-pandemic levels allowing overseas examinations, education and networking to resume, highlighted by the events marking the fifth anniversary of the College’s International Office in Malaysia and numerous other events and conferences across the globe. Closer to home, the Intercollegiate examination has returned to a more recognisable beast, although still with some of the COVID-19-era changes in place, for good or bad.
Surgeons’ News is not immune to change. We are actively moving to a digital platform, which has many benefits, but we will still retain a print run. Think has been our production partner for the last seven years and, in my tenure, I have worked with three editors and the magazine has won Business Publication of the Year at the PPA Scotland Awards 2022.
Change, and the management of change, is something the College in its 518-year history is good at. We welcome and say goodbye to new and past Council Members, noting that all have previously been in change-driven roles: the Regional and International Ambassador Network and the Trainees’ Committee.
These examples of change within the last 20 years have allowed the College to develop and nurture this wide breadth of talent to serve its membership in coming years. I do note, however, that the age of appointment to Council has definitely fallen from when I held that dubious honour back in 2010. This change of age and demographic is good for the long-term future of the College.
In this issue we also note with sadness the passing of Professor George Parks. We recognise the unique duality of positions that he and his son Rowan have held over the years, something unlikely to be repeated. We have also lost two Council members, Richard Montgomery and Chris Oliver, who served during my tenure on Council. Council is like a family and, while we may not always have agreed, there is genuine sadness in their passing.
I hope this issue brings something of interest and value to all our readers. Some may gain insight from Anne Shearer’s gifting suggestions on p62, others may prefer to order and sample Carole and Richard’s festive fizz suggestions on p60. There are a number of other thought-provoking and informative articles to help aid wider understanding of different issues and aspects of the full College family.
I would like to thank the new Dental Dean for his kind words in his first column on p42. It was a pleasure to be reminded that we were fresh-faced registrars in Glasgow 25 years ago.
Change is normal and we must embrace it for the next 518 years to move forward. I hope this edition shows the College is reactive to change, most significantly highlighted by the thought-provoking article from Chelcie Jewitt on p26 in relation to sexual misconduct. I think the College’s comments after the publication of the Working Party of Sexual Misconduct in Surgery’s report shows how seriously this institution wants to address and tackle the problem.
Finally, I would like to wish all readers peace, health and happiness for the upcoming holiday season.
Roger Currie

Surgical safety update
Cases from the Confidential Reporting System for Surgery (CORESS)

Natural evolution
Focus on the nascent HSSIB and its arm’s length ambitions

Truth and compassion
Considering the patient’s perspective on mistakes

Pioneering spirit
A profile of the first qualified woman dentist in the UK
Events round-up
A look back at highlights of the past year at the College
SAS focus
Considering solutions to the biggest workforce crisis in NHS history
Trainee news
A new course in vascular surgery

Grant McIntyre looks ahead; the impact of oral health on wellbeing;
the role of webinars in training; and dental In Brief

A world of difference
As Phil Taylor hands over the reins to Grant McIntyre, he reflects on taking up office during a global pandemic, strong teamwork and international cooperation

Look to the future
Will McLaughlin, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Dental Surgery, reports

In Brief: Dental
The latest guidance, articles and studies

Improving outcomes
The role of the webinar in shaping healthcare organisations’ clinical practice

Awards and grants, diploma ceremony listings and obituaries

Awards and grants
All the latest grants, Fellowships and bursaries that are available from the RCSEd

Diploma listings
Congratulations to all our Fellows and Members who were presented with diplomas and awards in Edinburgh in in June, August and September
The benefits of cycling for body and mind; 48 hours in
New York City; affordable festive fizz; and ideas for creative Christmas gifting

48 hours in New York
Sarah Riches explores the city that never sleeps

Wheels in motion
Barney Green on the links between cycling and wellbeing

Bright sparks
Carole Boyle and Richard Lane suggest alternatives to Champagne for the festive season

In Fine Form
Ideas for creative Christmas gifting
Key to the future
Cat Irving highlights the Museums’ expanding events programme

Editor Roger Currie
Dental Editor Carole Ann Boyle
Channels Planning Manager Aaron Mackie
Social and Content Officer Terri Borthwick
Published by:
The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh,
Nicolson Street, Edinburgh EH8 9DW
Registered Charity No. SC005317
Tel: +44 (0)131 527 1600
For editorial enquiries contact: surgeonsnews@rcsed.ac.uk
Design and production

Think Publishing Ltd,
20 Mortimer Street,
London W1T 3JW
Tel: +44 (0)20 3771 7200

Client Engagement Manager Jack Watts
Managing Editor Indira Mann
Designer Juanita Adu
Online Designer Tim Benton
Sub editor Kirsty Fortune
Medical sub editor Dr Arshad Makhdum
John Innes john.innes@thinkpublishing.co.uk
The views expressed in Surgeons’ News are not necessarily those of the editorial team or the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. Information printed in this edition of Surgeons’ News is believed to be correct at the time of going to press. The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh permits single copying of individual articles for private study or research. Multiple copying of individual articles for teaching purposes is permitted without specific permission. For copying or reproduction for any other purpose, written permission must be sought from the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. Exceptions to the above are those institutions and non-publishing organisations that have an agreement or licence with the UK Copyright Licensing Agency or the US Copyright Clearance Center. Access to the magazine is available on the College website rcsed.ac.uk.