Thanks for
the memories
We explore the heritage of the College in my final issue – the perfect time to consider changes over the years, says Roger Currie
Welcome to my final edition of Surgeons’ News. As I reflect on my 15 issues as Editor, it brings to mind a number of the events that occurred during my tenure. There was a second wave of a global pandemic, a worldwide vaccination programme, followed by a recovery and then the ‘new normal’. Surgery is still recovering from the impact of the pandemic; some specialties and geographical areas are ahead of others. Innovation with high-impact clinics and operating lists have been adapted and adopted by many specialties with impressive results, but we still have more work to do to fully recover.
I recall that when I was first approached for this role in 2020, I did not feel I had the skillset to produce Surgeons’ News to the quality of my predecessors. Hopefully I have delivered an interesting and quality magazine in my tenure with the support of the in-house team, notably Terri Borthwick, and our publishing team at Think headed by John Innes.
As we move to a new Editor, Emma Stapleton, and a new publishing house with a focused pivot to digital content, we will see a big change in Surgeons’ News and I wish the new team well.
Chance introduction brings us many opportunities in life. This is how one of the articles in this issue and the front cover evolved. My colleague and friend Jeff Downie met Philip Ferguson Jones on a beach on the Isle of Mull. This led to him illustrating the Facial Aesthetics Course run annually here at the College. From that followed an enquiry about an article for Surgeons’ News and the role of the medical artist. You can read the resulting feature highlighting the work of Philip and his colleagues in this issue.
As the main theme of this edition is ‘Heritage’, I was delighted that we could illustrate both old and new on the front cover, illustrating that some things evolve but still don’t change. I was delighted to sit down with Chanté St Clair Inglis to welcome her to the College as Director of Heritage and Estates, and to get her take on our heritage and estates portfolio and how she plans to move this forward over the coming years.
We also pick up on the theme of tackling sexual misconduct, which has evolved from the pioneering College #LetsRemoveIt campaign originally launched back in 2017. The piece by Vice-President Clare McNaught illustrates how we all have a duty to recognise and call out this inappropriate behaviour in the workplace, making for a significantly improved working environment.
With a very informative dental section and our usual regular features, I hope this gives all readers something for consideration.
Finally, it would be remiss of me not to thank Professor Rowan Parks for his very kind words within his piece and I hope that my time as Editor of Surgeons’ News has given all Fellows and Members a product that is informative, enjoyable and a unique Member benefit.
Roger Currie

Book review
The perfect book to prepare for the FRCS and beyond has everything you need to know

In Brief
The latest guidance, articles and studies

Surgical safety update
Cases from the Confidential Reporting System for Surgery (CORESS)
A look back at some of the events that marked a busy first quarter of the year

A dream becomes reality
The creation of the paediatric twin theatre suite at Ninewells Hospital

Physician, anneal thyself
What is the best solution to dealing with ever-increasing stress levels?

Operating skills
A focus on resources, trainers and the independent sector

Sexual misconduct
We all have a part to play in changing the culture we work in

Bridging the gap
Insight into the Oxford Surgical Assistant Course

Time to invest in yourself
Wellbeing Week covered everything from financial planning to time out

Grant McIntyre discusses engagement; how a dental
team copes if things go wrong; and dental In Brief

In Brief: Dental
The latest guidance, articles and studies

Maintaining high standards
What is involved in the accreditation process for dental courses?

start a
Engagement is a vital aspect
of College life, says Grant McIntyre

Spotlight on exam delivery
The first online development session measures support needed from examiners and assessors

Awards and grants, diploma ceremony listings and our RSA Network

Awards and grants
All the latest grants, Fellowships and bursaries that are available from the RCSEd

Diploma listings
Congratulations to all our Fellows and Members who were presented with diplomas and awards in Edinburgh in December and February

A greener future
Steps to make vascular surgery more environmentally friendly

Facing the challenge
Competitions offer learning opportunities for dental and surgical students
Dive into the world of wild swimming; 48 hours in Liverpool; and the refreshing red fruit flavours of pinot noir wine

48 hours in Liverpool
Andrew Cattanach dives into a city that blends rich history with a forward-looking spirit

Take the plunge
A deep dive into the world of cold-water swimming with Fiona Russell

Crowd pleaser
Refreshing and smooth with red fruit flavours, pinot noir is the grape to appeal to all

Tools of the trade
Danielle Dray looks at innovations in ophthalmic instruments

Editor Roger Currie
Dental Editor Carole Ann Boyle
Channels Planning Manager Aaron Mackie
Social and Content Officer Terri Borthwick
Published by:
The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh,
Nicolson Street, Edinburgh EH8 9DW
Registered Charity No. SC005317
Tel: +44 (0)131 527 1600
For editorial enquiries contact: surgeonsnews@rcsed.ac.uk
Design and production

Think Publishing Ltd,
20 Mortimer Street,
London W1T 3JW
Tel: +44 (0)20 3771 7200

Client Engagement Manager Jack Watts
Managing Editor Angela McManus
Designer Juanita Adu
Online Designer Tim Benton/Juanita Adu
Sub editor Kirsty Fortune
Medical sub editor Dr Arshad Makhdum
John Innes john.innes@thinkpublishing.co.uk
The views expressed in Surgeons’ News are not necessarily those of the editorial team or the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. Information printed in this edition of Surgeons’ News is believed to be correct at the time of going to press. The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh permits single copying of individual articles for private study or research. Multiple copying of individual articles for teaching purposes is permitted without specific permission. For copying or reproduction for any other purpose, written permission must be sought from the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. Exceptions to the above are those institutions and non-publishing organisations that have an agreement or licence with the UK Copyright Licensing Agency or the US Copyright Clearance Center. Access to the magazine is available on the College website rcsed.ac.uk.