
From the editor

Editor Emma Stapleton previews the latest edition

President's welcome: Celebrating International Women's Day and reflecting on a busy and productive quarter for the College

RCSEd President Rowan Parks recaps his recent work


News briefing

The latest news from the College and profession


News in brief from around the world of surgery

International Women's Day

Perception vs Performance: #ILookLikeASurgeon 10 years on

Patients of women surgeons appear to benefit from better outcomes. Alex Ashman, Katherine Conroy and Arghavan Salles explore the data

End bullying and sexual misconduct

Oppressive behaviour in the workforce can affect patient safety, but an RCSEd-led campaign is turning the tide

Big interview

The Hunter Doig Medal: celebrating ambitious and successful women in surgery 

What does it mean to be a recipient of this prestigious RCSEd award? The nine recipients share their thoughts and reflections

Patient safety

IWD and patient safety

Anna Paisley explores the impact of systemic gender bias in healthcare


A cultural humility approach

The College’s wellness and EDI consultant explains the work being done to develop RCSEd’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion strategy

Fell walking: a chance to laugh and decompress

Yusuf Michla recounts his first forays into hiking the UK’s most beautiful peaks and describes how fell walking has helped support his wellbeing 

Painting legacies

Louise Wilkie, Curator of the Surgeons’ Hall Museums, introduces the Women in Surgery project and speaks with artist Kirstin Mackinnon on her winning commission


Four women who shaped surgery

The problematic paradigm of ‘the first’ and some lesser-known histories of surgery

Professional development

Insights from surgeons in training

Manal Ahmad and Michael El Boghdady share some stark facts and recommend we commit to fostering an environment where surgeons of all genders can thrive

An awardee's reflection

Mariana Antunes Pereira, awardee of the Saleem Khwaja Fellowship in Paediatric Surgery 2024, describes her transformative experience in Texas 

Meet Dr David Wambi

RCSEd Research, Grants and Fellowship Officer Faye Brown puts the questions to the winner of the prestigious Professor Jimmy James Prize in Plastic Surgery

Foundations in Surgical and Dental Leadership

Fostering the crucial values needed in successful surgical and dental teams through an RCSEd training programme 

SAS: a career with progression

With 20 years’ experience as a SAS doctor in ENT, Catherine Diver shares how she has achieved a progressive and sustainable career

In brief

The latest guidance, articles and studies

Surgical safety update

Cases from the Confidential Reporting System for Surgery

Triennial and ICOSET Conference 2025

A world of innovation: driving surgical education and patient care forward

Approachability, inclusivity and innovation

The West Midlands Surgical Society, founded to promote excellence in surgical practice across the region, recently held its biannual meeting

Racial equity in surgery

The British Association of Black Surgeons - 2024 Annual Conference


Dental Dean: overhauling the RCSEd dental exams

Dental Dean Professor Grant McIntyre details the College’s recent work in revamping its dental examinations

Introducing the Dental Faculty's new Honorary Secretary

Professor Ivor G Chestnutt has been appointed Honorary Secretary of the RCSEd Faculty of Dental Surgery. Here he discusses the responsibilities of his new post

Dental in brief

The latest dental guidance, articles and studies

Meet the newest members of RCSEd's Dental Council

Surgeons News catches up with Professor Nigel Robb and Ahmed Tarek El-Shanawany to discover how they are working for the benefit of Members

The College

The gift of a lasting legacy

RSCEd President Rowan Parks says that by remembering the College in your will, your generosity will fuel progress, innovation and education in surgery

Celebrating success in Egypt

Jan Cutting revisits some of the recent international work of the College

Funding and recognition opportunities

All the latest Fellowships, Grants and Bursaries from RCSEd

Diploma listings

Congratulations to all our Fellows and Members who were presented with diplomas and awards in September, October and November

Surgery on screen

Surgery on screen

Surgeons’ News reviews memorable depictions of surgery in media and film. In this issue, Vaibhav Sahni continues our examination of Benedict Cumberbatch’s character

Surgeons' News Archive

Read the previous issues of Surgeons' News here

Editor Emma Stapleton
Dental Editor Carole Ann Boyle
Digital marketing and brand lead Kerrie Blease
Social and content coordinator Terri Borthwick

Published by: 
Wonderly, a division of Haymarket Media Group
Bridge House, 69 London Road,
Twickenham, TW1 3SP
Tel: (020) 8267 5000

On behalf of
The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh,
Nicolson Street, Edinburgh EH8 9DW
Registered Charity No. SC005317
Tel: +44 (0)131 527 1600
For editorial enquiries contact: surgeonsnews@rcsed.ac.uk

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Design and production

Editor Alex Rapson-Ballinger
Senior reporter Marese O'Hagan
Art Director Aubrey Smith
Junior Designer Holly Bulbrook
Production editor Maria Ainley-Taylor
Medical sub editor Dr Arshad Makhdum

The views expressed in Surgeons’ News are not necessarily those of the editorial team or the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. Information printed in this edition of Surgeons’ News is believed to be correct at the time of going to press. The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh permits single copying of individual articles for private study or research. Multiple copying of individual articles for teaching purposes is permitted without specific permission. For copying or reproduction for any other purpose, written permission must be sought from the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. Exceptions to the above are those institutions and non-publishing organisations that have an agreement or licence with the UK Copyright Licensing Agency or the US Copyright Clearance Center. Access to the magazine is available on the College website rcsed.ac.uk.